Gen. Raheel vows to expose ‘faces’ of abettors of terrorists

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PESHAWAR: Army Chief Gen Raheel Sharif said the faces of the abettors of the terrorists will be exposed. He stated this during his visit to the Shawal Valley in North Waziristan on Thursday where the troops are engaged in the final phase of war against the militants.

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According to the Inter-Services Public Relations, Gen Sharif spent the day with troops and directed them to destroy all hideouts and sever their links with their abettors.

“We will not allow anyone to kill our people, children in this country and will expose all faces who helped them at any stage in any way,” an ISPR statement quoted the army chief as saying.

COAS with troops in Shawal

Security forces launched a ground offensive against militants in Shawal near the Afghan border on August 20. Around 100 militants have so far been killed in air strikes in the area while Lt Col Faisal Malik and one soldier have laid down their lives in an exchange of fire with militants.

The statement said that the morale of troops was high and Gen Sharif praised them for the speedy gains made in the operation. They have cleared important heights and occupied the areas.

Here is the ISPR brief statement about this visit

“The COAS Gen. Raheel SHarif spent his day with troops participating in operation; State of troops’ morale inspiring. Commended them for speed and gains of ops. Heights cleared, main features occupied. Valley being sanitized; Directed to comprehensively cleanse them from hide outs, reducing isolated Ts to their size, sever their link with their abettors anywhere; “Won’t allow any one to kill our people, children in this country. will expose all faces who helped them at any stage in any way”-COAS; With our accomplishments, Pak Army has no parallel in success rate in war against terrorism. Commended Extra ordinary op achievements.”

Editor’s note

With the arrest of Dr Asim on Aug 26, former minister of PPP and a close confidant and aide of Asif Ali Zardari, one face stands exposed and a hue and cry has begun from the PPP circles as they fear more arrests and accountability of their Guru and his operatives. The thief will be as much big so much big hue and cry we will see in the media. Hats off to General Raheel Sharif and his team who are exposing Gurus of corruption and supporters of terrorism and killers in the country. Allah Pak Gen. Raheel aur us ki team to salamat rakhay…………..Ameen


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